Sunday, June 18, 2006

Asterix the Gaul

Been too exhausted for movies or books. So got myself a bunch of Asterix to read in bed. Turned out to be a real good idea; laughed my ass off! Will have to get myself a new batch ASAP. Too bad the English ones are too expensive. Thankfully, it seems the Bangla ones are just as good! Ananda Publishers really did a good job with these!

People who used to read these in school, its time you read them again. Its worth it! People who haven’t read any yet, - there is still time to save your souls! Run down to the bookstore and get some right now!


nalumoni said...

i have been looking for those darned comics for the longest time...sorry, those cheaper darned comics. no worries, i have decided to buy myself a stack with my first paycheck. =)

which stories did u read?

weatherman said...

Lets c...there was the one with Cleopatra, the one in which the Normans learn fear and the one in which the druid loses his memory cause Obelix slams him with a menhir. Oh I got myself 5 new ones. Just finished the one in which they go to Britain. :)

nalumoni said...

ooh, never read the one where the druid loses his memory.

the most amusing aspects of the comics is the little things that happen in the background of the illustrations. all those minute details. ppl muttering, slamming onto things, birds rolling their eyes in the trees!

weatherman said...

Yess! I so know what you mean! And what about the expressions on peoples faces? Especially the Romans after they've been beat up! And the humour! OMG! Like...Dogmatix is crying his heart out cause Obelix's just reaped off a tree. They're just too kool!

Unknown said...

asterix was lotta fun... i remember only asterix and tintin used to come in that size... but asterix was the one i liked, especially for its humor... now its back to CSI.

weatherman said...

I actually preferred Tintin. The guy who used to loan me these had more Tintins than Asterixes. Also I found these odd shaped fellows with winged hats a little scary. To tell you the truth I didn’t get the humor in them till I was in my teens. :$

Anonymous said...

I agree with you! I liked Tintin more than Asterix. Specially the bengali version! The swear words they used for Captain! those were hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Nowal Apu,
you can sign out those comics from any library. the only thing that is annoying is that you have to wait for a while after you put them on hold.

Unknown said...

speaking of swear words... did any of you read "Nonte o Fonte" (as in Nonte and Fonte)? and their expressions such as "Moreche" and "Mairi"... they were pretty good! ;p

weatherman said...

LoL! Of course I know Nonte-Fonte! Good stuff! Trouble is they just dont feel the same anymore now. I dug up a collection in 97. Felt a little dissapointed. Still, they were a hell lot of fun in their time.

Btw...I just found out from a book that the expression 'mairy', actually came from Mary (mother of Jesus). Aint that something!

nalumoni said...

oye, the ignorant bengali here doesn't understand what nonte-fonte means. and where are those swear words I was s'posed to learn? lolz.
thanks audity. i hadn't even THOUGHT about that.

weatherman said...

Nowal, Nonte Fonte are characters from a Bangla comic strip popular in our time. The duo were two trouble makers attending a boarding school. They are always trying to sneak food in which the bad guy, Keltu, is always trying to steal. Of course he never wins.

As for the curse words, take a hint. We aint teaching you any. :P Ask audity to teach you some of the captain Haddock curses instead.

bodda said...

asterix! reminds me of the growing up years...
(yes, you can link my blog, though its nuthing special)

weatherman said...

bodda, nice to see you around. As for how special your blog is, you can let us, the readers, worry about that. :)

nalumoni said...

the only bengali comics i would read were those chacha chowdhury ones, billu and that naughty girl's. don't rem. her name though.

weatherman said...

Dhur dhur - chacha choudhury and stuff baje! dont read them! and they r not originally bangla anyway. Hindi theke translated. Mass marketing stuff. Joghonno.

nalumoni said...

lolz. hadn't heard the word "joghonno" in quite a while. makes one feel so classy when they say it. like..."ashchorjo".

weatherman said...

:S Really? Those are just words here. :p btw...I was thinking, may be chacha choudhury was actually inspired from asterix. If you think about the simillarities between the two pairs...yes, I think its very likely.

The Bengali Fob said...

Asterix, Tintin, and Spyro were my fave growing up. I wish there was more of those... If only people lived forever. (Then the world would be like Bangladesh. Nevermind, I take that back.)